Inspired in the Winter half-light listening to hooded crows cawing at twilight by luscious skeins of handspun yarn from Studio Underwood on Etsy. Tinkling silver shards on ice puddles, crushed meadow grass in gold. Bare branches and quiet clouds. Storms and wildness outside. Ancient spirits whispering.
Hello Autumn you beautiful harvest season of misty mornings, long nights and mellow fruitfulness. We surrender to crisp leaves crackling underfoot, the zing of cold air sharp in our lungs and the soothing, cosseting bliss of wrapping ourselves in layers upon layers of natural, hand knitted wool, silk, cashmere, alpaca . . .
Ready for some easy summer knits? Be inspired! Wild zinging colours take over the machair near the sea – purple and yellow, bold and beautiful. Summer serenity make the heart glad. Sun shines on corn marigold flowers near the potato plots and freckles on faces. Twilight bring a hush of chilliness and we wrap ourselves …
As we are all part of nature we feel the quickening in early Spring, a tingling of life force awakening inside us, a desire to rampage into newness. I wonder if like the sap in plant stems that is suddenly rising and full of vigour, we too have this response in our bodies. All things …
Winter: enchanted by silver and gold
Inspired in the Winter half-light listening to hooded crows cawing at twilight by luscious skeins of handspun yarn from Studio Underwood on Etsy. Tinkling silver shards on ice puddles, crushed meadow grass in gold. Bare branches and quiet clouds. Storms and wildness outside. Ancient spirits whispering.
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Autumn feelings
Hello Autumn you beautiful harvest season of misty mornings, long nights and mellow fruitfulness. We surrender to crisp leaves crackling underfoot, the zing of cold air sharp in our lungs and the soothing, cosseting bliss of wrapping ourselves in layers upon layers of natural, hand knitted wool, silk, cashmere, alpaca . . .
Summer: serenity in the heart and bold colours near the sea
Ready for some easy summer knits? Be inspired! Wild zinging colours take over the machair near the sea – purple and yellow, bold and beautiful. Summer serenity make the heart glad. Sun shines on corn marigold flowers near the potato plots and freckles on faces. Twilight bring a hush of chilliness and we wrap ourselves …
Spring: quickening creativity
As we are all part of nature we feel the quickening in early Spring, a tingling of life force awakening inside us, a desire to rampage into newness. I wonder if like the sap in plant stems that is suddenly rising and full of vigour, we too have this response in our bodies. All things …