Summer feels on the wane and it has been beautiful. Still the sun shines bright and warm and the clover keeps on blooming. Skylarks tumble and dive, collared doves coo to one another, the calves are frisking about and the lambs are getting big. Sunshiney days of relishing the warm breeze and the salt air, the overgrown garden and the feel of treasured woollen handknits being created, being worn, being loved.
Summer in the Outer Hebrides. The sun uplifts us, we’re early to rise and feeling wise. Adventures beckon in the wind gusting off the sea. Sparkles of salt spray drench our smiles. We splash in the cold water and run through the marram grass and red clover, the wild carrot bearing its crowns of seeds …
BEFORE: Scrumptious chalky pink super-soft 80% cotton and 20% alpaca Louisa Harding Colline yarn – you are so like a beautiful bundle of marshmallows in your skeins, what might become of you? You look very pretty with Noro Shiro wool, cashmere and silk … and yet, no. AFTER: You can stand alone. You can be …
“And a bird overhead sang Follow,And a bird to the right sang Here;And the arch of the leaves was hollow,And the meaning of May was clear.”~Algernon Charles Swinburne~ The dawn chorus of robin and song thrush, blackbird and wren. The sweet scent of gorse on the breeze. The clear blue of wild bluebells and a …
Summer: dreams of vibrant wildflowers and handknit woollens
Summer feels on the wane and it has been beautiful. Still the sun shines bright and warm and the clover keeps on blooming. Skylarks tumble and dive, collared doves coo to one another, the calves are frisking about and the lambs are getting big. Sunshiney days of relishing the warm breeze and the salt air, the overgrown garden and the feel of treasured woollen handknits being created, being worn, being loved.
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Metamorphosis: Marshmallow Ancestors Apron & Ancestors Bodice
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Spring: dawn chorus makes our hearts sing
“And a bird overhead sang Follow,And a bird to the right sang Here;And the arch of the leaves was hollow,And the meaning of May was clear.”~Algernon Charles Swinburne~ The dawn chorus of robin and song thrush, blackbird and wren. The sweet scent of gorse on the breeze. The clear blue of wild bluebells and a …