Short days and frosty nights. A coolness of light. The quietness of time spent observing, being aware, noticing the beauty in every tiny moment. I am knitting a sock on tiny needles with rustic 4 ply wool rough against my finger tips.
Ice crystals slide down the window glass.
Letting all the pieces come together. Allowing space. Being quiet. Feeling stillness. Resting.
Honey mellow molten sunshine in the freshness of Autumn. Small bundles of windtorn heather still bloom, fading to lilac from bright purple. As-one-with-nature Inner Wild wilderness wear for dearhearts clockwise from top main: Mellow Yellow Handspun Wool Bodice & Stag Antler Fingerless Mitts Gathering Bodice Mega Mitts Honey Sun Mitts Moody and mystical feelings as …
A hydrangea cutting from last year decided to make Spring even more exciting by creating its first ever flower when nothing else bloomed in the garden. Brought indoors its single blossom came to be appreciated and admired all day long for weeks and weeks. Thanks to its beautiful influence this Spring I was drawn to …
All is on the wane here; the long grass falls dry and soft yellow, sunlight is dimmed in the morning, the wind is colder. At the same time the bramble berries are bursting with plump ripeness and the Rowan berries shine red in the twilight as crows squawk in delight at them. We fall into …
Winter: quiet contemplation
Quiet contemplation and contentment.
Short days and frosty nights. A coolness of light. The quietness of time spent observing, being aware, noticing the beauty in every tiny moment. I am knitting a sock on tiny needles with rustic 4 ply wool rough against my finger tips.
Ice crystals slide down the window glass.
Letting all the pieces come together. Allowing space. Being quiet. Feeling stillness. Resting.
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